Scapegoat, The

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Scapegoat s  
The Scapegoat tells the provocative story of two very different men who have one thing in common a face. Held up changing trains, John goes to a bar whereupon he spots Johnny and feels a bolt of electricity. Johnny is his mirror image; the likeness is uncanny. But while John is in search of human connection, aristocratic landowner Johnny craves an escape from his responsibilities. The two men spend the night in the same hotel. But when John awakens the next morning Johnny is nowhere to be found and his driver wants to take John home. Some deep impulse responds to the crack of opportunity and John literally steps into his doubles shoes.
Product Information
Director: Charles Sturridge Audio: 2.0
Actors: Matthew Rhys; Sheridan Smith; Andrew Scott; Eileen Atkins Aspect Ratio: 16.9
Duration: 108minutes Language: English
Rating: PG Subtitles: Nil
Consumer Advice: Mild themes, drug references, violence and coarse language Retail Price (inc GST): $29.95
Genre: Drama Format: DVD
Cat No: 2748 For Fans Of: Downton Abbey; Pride & Prejudice; Dorian Gray
Year of Production: 2012 Additional Information: From the BAFTA Award winning director of Brideshead Revisited